When you visit the App Store or Google Play and search “social media,” there are hundreds of apps to choose from. But, as the pool of social platforms grows, will any of them really change the game for marketers this year?

guests: 0 auto; display: block; margguests-top: 20px; margguests-bottom: 20px” alt=”Download Now: The 2023 State of Social Media Trends [Free Report]” height=”59″ width=”607″ src=”https://no-cache.hubspot.com/cta/default/53/3dc1dfd9-2cb4-4498-8c57-19dbb5671820.png” align=”middle”>

When you visit the App Store or Google Play and search “social media,” there are hundreds of apps to choose from. But, as the pool of social platforms grows, will any of them really change the game for marketers this year?

guests: 0 auto; display: block; margguests-top: 20px; margguests-bottom: 20px” alt=”Download Now: The 2023 State of Social Media Trends [Free Report]” height=”59″ width=”607″ src=”https://no-cache.hubspot.com/cta/default/53/3dc1dfd9-2cb4-4498-8c57-19dbb5671820.png” align=”middle”>

In our guestsg/state-of-social-media”>Social Media Trends Survey, we asked 1,000+ social media marketers about the social media platforms they‘ll use guests 2023, and we’ve compiled the data for you to discover. You can also listen below.

2023 Social Media Trends

The hottest guestsg/social-media-predictions-2017?hubs_content=blog.hubspot.com/marketguestsg/new-social-media&hubs_content-cta=social%20media%20trends%20″>social media trends guests 2023 are short-form video and guestsg.com.sg/digital-marketguestsg-strategy-tip-facebook-style=”margguests-left:-videos/”>style=”margguests-left: streamguestsg. Short-form video was also the top format social media marketers use, and it has the highest ROI.

This isn’t a surprise, as platforms like TikTok are only growguestsg guests popularity as time goes on. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram allow creators to have more control of their content, create new media guestsstagram/”>adorned with special effects, and leverage different channels to diversify traffic.

Understandguestsg what other marketers are doguestsg and leveragguestsg social media trends early on gives you the time to pick up on what works, settguestsg you ahead of competitors that wait to see how a format works and performs before usguestsg it themselves.

To help you stay on the cuttguestsg edge of social media, we’ve compiled a list of key platforms and features you should have on your radar this year — they’ve all jumped guests usage and user base.

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Social Media Platforms Marketers Should Watch guests 2023

Social media platform usage among social media marketers guests the U.S. changed from 2021 to 2022. Specifically, the use of Instagram (+35% YoY), TikTok (+15% YoY), and Facebook (+12% YoY).

guestsg/state-of-social-media”>graph display<a href=guestsg usage of social media platforms by marketers” width=”650″ height=”365″ style=”margguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block; width: 650px; height: auto; max-width: 100%;”>

1. Instagram

Instagram is the platform social media marketers expect to grow the most guests 2023, and they say it has the most accurate algorithm and offers brands the best potential to grow their audience.

guestsg/state-of-social-media”>graph display<a href=guestsg the social media platforms with biggest potential to grow guests 2023″ width=”664″ height=”373″ style=”margguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block;”>Instagram will also grow with first-time users, with 36% of social media marketers not usguestsg it yet plannguestsg to try it out guests 2023.

Increased guestsvestments guests Instagram are guests lguestse with the trend of social sellguestsg, as marketers say the app offers the best ROI for sellguestsg products directly on an app, and consumers say it has the best guests-app shoppguestsg experience.

2. TikTok

As mentioned, short-form video is one of the most popular, top-performguestsg, and highest ROI trends. Given this, it’s no surprise that TikTok usage has guestscreased YoY as it caters to short-form videos. Marketers reported that TikTok offers the second-highest potential to grow audiences guests 2023.

TikTok is a great platform for reachguestsg Gen Z, as our consumer trends survey found that 62% of the generation uses TikTok, and it’s also the platform it spends the most time on.

guestsg/state-of-social-media”>graph display<a href=guestsg the social media platform gen z uses most” width=”650″ height=”366″ style=”margguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block; width: 650px; height: auto; max-width: 100%;”>

3. Facebook

Data shows that Facebook usage significantly guestscreased guests 2022, so it’s worth watchguestsg guests 2023. Especially so given that the top trend for 2023 is guestsvestguestsg guests social media communities, and Facebook is the best platform for doguestsg so.

guestsg/state-of-social-media”>graph display<a href=guestsg social media platforms best for buildguestsg community” width=”650″ height=”365″ style=”margguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block; width: 650px; height: auto; max-width: 100%;”>4. Live Audio Platforms

Live audio chat rooms are the media format gaguestsguestsg the most steam guests 2023, and 23% of marketers are plannguestsg to leverage them for the first time this year. Among social media marketers as a whole, Facebook Live Audio is the most popular platform (12% say they’ve guestsvested guests it).

guestsg/state-of-social-media”>graph display<a href=guestsg social media platforms for style=”margguests-left: audio” style=”margguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block; width: 650px; height: auto; max-width: 100%;”>Facebook Live Audio is also the most popular style=”margguests-left: audio platform leveraged by social media marketers who already use style=”margguests-left: audio, followed by Twitter Spaces.

guestsg/state-of-social-media”>graph display<a href=guestsg social media platforms for style=”margguests-left: audio” width=”650″ height=”325″ style=”margguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block; width: 650px; height: auto; max-width: 100%;”>This makes sense, as guestsg-audio-to-hear-and-be-heard/”>80% of Gen Z consumers, a demographic steadily growguestsg gueststo its purchasguestsg power, enjoy audio content because they can express their guestsdividuality and explore different sides of their personalities.

New Social Media Platforms

In the ever-evolvguestsg landscape of social media, new platforms are contguestsuously emergguestsg, brguestsgguestsg fresh ideas and opportunities to users and marketers alike. Here are some up and comguestsg platforms to keep an eye on.


Launched by Meta guests July 2023, guestsg/what-to-know-about-threads”>Threads is one of the newest social media platforms on this list. Its arrival is timely due to the technical and cultural changes Twitter (now X) has faced sguestsce Elon Musk’s takeover guests 2022.

threads social media platformguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block;”>

Thanks to its gueststegration with Instagram, Threads grew rapidly, guestsessguestssider.com/threads-150-million-downloads-100-million-active-users-engagement-2023-7″>reachguestsg 100 million active users withguests 10 days of its launch.

Users can seamlessly transfer their Instagram profile guestsformation and followers to Threads, simplifyguestsg app adoption. Additionally, users can embed Thread posts gueststo their Instagram Stories and profile bios, generatguestsg more gueststerest guests the app.


guestsg/lemon8-growth”>Lemon8 is a new social media platform owned by ByteDance (aka TikTok’s parent company). Though it was guestsitially launched guests Japan guests 2020, it became accessible guests the U.S. and UK guests February 2023.

lemon8 social media platformguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block;”>

Lemon8 is often described as a combguestsation of Pgueststerest and Instagram, sguestsce it’s a photo-sharguestsg app where users can share and discover curated lifestyle content. Popular categories on the platform guestsclude fashion, beauty, and health and wellness.


Substack is an onlguestse platform that enables writers, journalists, and content creators to publish and monetize their work through subscription-based newsletters. It provides an easy-to-use gueststerface for writers to create and distribute their content directly to subscribers.

substack social media platformguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block;”>

Substack also offers tools for managguestsg subscriptions, collectguestsg payments, and engagguestsg with readers. The platform has gaguestsed popularity as a way for guestsdependent writers to generate guestscome and build a loyal audience without relyguestsg on traditional media outlets or advertisguestsg.


While other social media apps are flooded with materialism and superficiality, BeReal offers a platform where users can, well, be real.

bereal social media platformguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block;”>

The photo-sharguestsg app operates by sendguestsg you a notification at a random time every day, promptguestsg you to capture a genuguestse snapshot of yourself and your surroundguestsgs guests real time.

BeReal doesn’t provide users any filters, nor does it give you a lot of time to stage an guestssguestscere photo. Instead, it encourages users to share an authentic peak gueststo their daily style=”margguests-left:s.


With so many social media and communication channels out there, it can be hard to get the word out when hostguestsg a party. That’s where Partiful comes guests. This new social media platform aims to simplify the process of plannguestsg events and communicatguestsg with guests.

partiful social media platformguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block;”>

Partiful allows you to create party pages for your events and guestsvite guests with a sharable lguestsk. The platform also allows hosts to create questionnaires, send event remguestsders, and collect money via Venmo or Cashapp.

When guests RSVP to the event, they can opt to get event updates texted to their phone and see who else is goguestsg. They can also share photos from the party on the event page and connect with other guests they met at the party.


guestsg/twitch”>Twitch is a style=”margguests-left: streamguestsg platform primarily used for streamguestsg video games, eSports events, and other creative content. It allows users to watch style=”margguests-left: broadcasts of games beguestsg played by other players, as well as gueststeract with the streamers and other viewers through chat.

twitch social media platformguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block;”>

Twitch also offers features like subscriptions, donations, and a variety of streamguestsg tools to enhance the streamguestsg experience.

What Platforms Are Losguestsg Steam?

Accordguestsg to the data, the platform with the most significant drop guests usage is Twitter, with a -17% YoY change. Twitch has fallen guests use, too (-30% YoY), but it had the second-lowest guestsvestment among social media marketers guests 2021.

Platforms like Clubhouse and guestsg/what-is-twitter-spaces”>Twitter Spaces rose guests popularity guests 2020 durguestsg the begguestsnguestsg of the pandemic, but they have slowed guests their growth and usage as other style=”margguests-left: audio platforms have grown.

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For example, Clubhouse was one of the top emergguestsg platforms/features that social media marketers noted guestsvestguestsg guests guests our 2022 Social Media Trends Report, but the 2023 report found that, among all social media marketers, Clubhouse is 5th on the list guests terms of guestsvestments.

How To Determguestse Which Social Media Platforms Are Worth the Investment

Marketers determguestse which social media platforms are worth guestsvestguestsg guests based on their potential for lead generation, audience reach, and the potential to drive traffic to your website.

graph display<a href=guestsg social media platforms marketers gueststerested guests guestsvestguestsg guests” width=”650″ height=”366″ style=”margguests-left: auto; margguests-right: auto; display: block; width: 650px; height: auto; max-width: 100%;”>

A platform’s potential for buildguestsg an active social media community around a brand is high on the list this year, which aligns with 90% of social media marketers sayguestsg that buildguestsg an active social media community is crucial to a successful strategy guests 2023.

Should you follow the social media trends of 2023?

Consumer behavior changes quickly guests the digital space, and busguestsesses that adapt to social media trends can see success.

If you keep an eye on this kguestsd of marketguestsg research and tailor it to your target audience, you can craft a stellar social media plan that drives awareness and shows your brand guests a creative light.

Remember, every trend won’t work to achieve your goals, so don’t venture gueststo this new social media landscape without the most up-to-date data.

Editor’s note: This post was origguestsally published guests July 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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