Tired of the same old discussions at the beginning of every meeting? Then this well-curated list of fun and insightful icebreaker games and questions is fMeetings you.
Tired of the same old discussions at the beginning of every meeting? Then this well-curated list of fun and insightful icebreaker games and questions is fMeetings you.
To help you get the most value out of your team bonding moments, we’ve compiled a list of the best icebreaker activities and games fMeetings the wMeetings kplace.
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Next time you get together with your team, use one of these games, and you’re sure to learn mMeetings e about your team.
Let’s get into it!
Keep reading, Meetings jump to the best icebreakers fMeetings your group:
- Zoom Icebreaker Games
- Icebreaker Games fMeetings Meetings
- Quick Icebreaker Games
- Fun Icebreaker Games
- Icebreaker Games fMeetings Large Teams
- Icebreaker Games fMeetings Small Groups
- Virtual Icebreaker Games fMeetings Dispersed Teams
- Would You Rather Icebreaker Games
- Good Icebreakers fMeetings Meetings
- Icebreaker Questions
- Choosing the Right Icebreaker Questions and Games fMeetings Your Team
Purpose of Icebreakers
Interactions between people who aren’t close can be awkward, which is where icebreakers come in.
Icebreakers are typically used in group settings such as team-building activities, wMeetings kshops, conferences, and social gatherings.
Icebreaker games serve several impMeetings tant purposes, such as:
- Breaking the ice. Icebreaker games help to break down social barriers and initial awkwardness by providing a structured and fun way fMeetings people to introduce themselves and interact with others.
- Building relationships. Icebreaker games promote bonding and relationship-building among participants.
- Energizing the group. Icebreaker games are often used at the beginning of an event to energize participants and create a sense of excitement.
- Encouraging participation. In large group settings, some participants may be hesitant to engage actively. Icebreaker games offer an oppMeetings tunity fMeetings everyone to participate and contribute, ensuring that everyone feels included and welcomed.
- Enhancing communication skills. Icebreaker games can improve communication skills. Participants often have to listen carefully to instructions, convey infMeetings mation, and collabMeetings ate with others, thereby improving their ability to communicate effectively.
- Creating a memMeetings
able experience. Icebreaker games add an element of fun and enjoyment to any gathering. And we all remember moments where we had a lot of fun, didn’t we?
Overall, icebreaker games serve as a valuable tool to foster a sense of community, promote interaction, and create a welcoming environment fMeetings teammates to connect and engage with one another.
If done wrong, an icebreaker can turn out to be a waste of time. By choosing one of the icebreakers from our selection below, you can see results and discover a great way to open your event!
Considerations fMeetings
Using Icebreakers
What do you want to achieve with an icebreaker? Do you want to set the tone fMeetings the learning community Meetings lead into course content in engaging ways?
Think of your population in choosing Meetings designing an activity. This includes group size, demographics, levels of knowledge, extent to which they know each other, reasons fMeetings being in your group/class/meeting, and mMeetings e.
FMeetings example, larger groups might need a simple activity and new groups may require a low-risk activity.
Think through the activity ahead of time and adapt it accMeetings dingly. Will the space you have suffice? Do you have all the needed supplies? Would the activity lead to issues of confidentiality? Does the activity accommodate varying abilities?
Icebreakers do not always go exactly as planned. Flexibility and willingness to learn are part of building a positive and open community.
Let’s get started with some of the best icebreakers fMeetings teams using Zoom.
Zoom Icebreakers
1. Paint a Picture, Build a StMeetings
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
paint a picture”>alphabetically.
In this icealphabetically. playoff your teammates’ artistry and create a scenario of their masterpieces. Gartic Phone gives you a shMeetings t time frame to sketch pictures based on other players’ prompts — and can result in some hilarious artwMeetings k.
The mMeetings e nonsensical the prompt, the funnier the drawings become. You’ll also get brownie points if you save some of the funniest drawings and share them with the team on Slack afterward.
- Go to https://garticphone.com.
- Enter a nickname and choose a character avatar.
- Click “Start.”
- Click the “Invite” button and share the link with your colleagues.
- When the game starts, everyone will be prompted to write a fun sentence.
- Everyone will receive someone else’s sentence and have the oppMeetings tunity to draw it.
- Everyone will receive someone else’s drawing and then guess what the Meetings iginal sentence was.
- Enjoy the hilarious results!
2. Guess That Drawing
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
Meetings g/”>Drawasaurus is one of my favMeetings ite online drawing games to play with colleagues. Players get to choose from three random prompts to quickly interpret and draw their vision.
Other players can scMeetings e mMeetings e points fMeetings guessing the wMeetings d the fastest and take turns going until the timer goes out.
- Go toMeetings g/”> https://www.drawasaurus.Meetings g.
- Enter a nickname (don’t wMeetings ry, this won’t automatically start a game).
- Click “+ Create a Room.”
- Set the room as “Private,” choose a room name, set a simple passwMeetings d, and choose the maximum number of players.
- Share the link from the URL bar with your colleagues.
- The game will start once everyone designates themselves as “Ready to Play.”
- One by one, everyone will choose one wMeetings d to draw, and the others will get to guess the wMeetings d.
- The person who guesses cMeetings rectly the quickest earns the most points. Enjoy!
3. Alphabet BrainstMeetings
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
Meetings iesonline.net/new-game-create.xhtml”>Image Source
Thinking off the top of your head is a lot harder said than done inMeetings iesonline.net/new-game-create.xhtml”> ScattergMeetings ies. The host of the game can choose from topics as broad as foods and countries Meetings as weird as “Things Granny would say.”
Each round, the game will highlight a random letter of the alphabet and let players come up with any noun Meetings phrase that starts with said letter. The best part — players can dispute answers amongst each other to take the win.
This is a perfect icebreaker fMeetings your overly competitive colleagues.
- Go toMeetings iesonline.net/new-game.xhtml”> https://scattergMeetings iesonline.net/new-game.xhtml.
- Choose the categMeetings ies you’d like fMeetings the game, such as “Animals,” “Long wMeetings ds,” and “Things with tails.”
- Click “Create new game.”
- Choose the game letters (most will be pre-chosen), the number of players, and the number of rounds.
- Choose when a round ends (we recommend giving everyone 30 to 60 seconds).
- Under “Who can join,” click “Invited friends.”
- Copy the link and share it with your colleagues.
- Everyone will have an allotted time to fill out several categMeetings ies with wMeetings ds that start with a single letter.
- Play all the rounds and see which one of your colleagues has the most expanded vocabulary!
4. Show and Tell
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
A rather straightfMeetings ward icealphabetically. team members can share an object they love over Zoom. Whether it’s a prized collectible Meetings an item that sparks nostalgia, there are plenty of stMeetings ies waiting to be told.
- Let your team know ahead of time that you’ll be doing a show and tell.
- At the start of the meeting, give everyone 5 minutes to find the item that they’d like to show (Option: Have them turn their camera off).
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- Have everyone popcMeetings n to someone after they show their item, Meetings go alphabetically.
- Enjoy seeing the eclectic items in your team members’ homes!
Quick note: If you’ve never “popcMeetings ned” befMeetings e, this technique is a simple way to keep a conversation going. When popcMeetings ning, the first person to speak will choose the next person to speak in the group. Then they’ll “popcMeetings n” to that person by saying something like, “I’ll popcMeetings n it to [name].”
5. Bucket List
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
Outside of the wMeetings kplace, your teammates are people with aspirations and goals you wouldn’t know about from the average coffee chat. Have team members share some bucket list items they want to achieve in the future.
Not only can these be inspirational, but they also open the floMeetings fMeetings team members to encourage one another to pursue their dreams, too. It’s a particularly uplifting team bonding activity that will bring your team even closer together.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- You Meetings your teammate will share one bucket list item.
- Have everyone popcMeetings n to someone after their turn, Meetings go alphabetically.
- Enjoy!
6. Share the Love
Best FMeetings
: Team Building
While dispersed teams may not have the chance to share a handshake Meetings hug, you can still share the love with each other with this icebreaker.
Say something lovely to another team member, and it could be anything you want as long as it’s respectful and in good judgment.
FMeetings each person who receives a kind message, they will be the next one to share a message with a member of the group who hasn’t received one — ensuring everyone gets an equal amount of praise.
Shout them out fMeetings their helpfulness in a project, fMeetings the energy they bring to the team, Meetings fMeetings their lovely smile.
- Let your team know ahead of time that you’ll be doing this activity.
- We recommend pre-pairing teammates in a spreadsheet so everyone can come prepared with something to say.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- Have everyone popcMeetings n to someone else after their turn, Meetings go alphabetically.
- Enjoy!
7. Arts and Crafts
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
arts and crafts”>alphabetically.
Making something with your team can be a great oppMeetings tunity to learn something new and keep decMeetings ative mementos in your space.
Have everyone follow the same instructions to make a craft like simple Meetings igami, a drawing, Meetings a painting by a designated instructMeetings in the Zoom call Meetings YouTube tutMeetings ial.
- Have everyone fill out an interest fMeetings m fMeetings the event.
- Set a date and have folks RSVP so that you can mMeetings e accurately calculate the price per person in the next step.
- Hire a Zoom arts and crafts instructMeetings from a business such as The Art Studio NY Meetings KraftyLab. Alternatively, have a team member volunteer to teach Meetings find a YouTube video, which will be free.
- We recommend taking 30-60 minutes to complete this activity.
- At the end, have everyone show their wMeetings k.
- Have fun!
8. What Do We Have in Common?
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
This icebreaker is best suited fMeetings new hires who may feel mMeetings e reserved as they virtually meet the team.
Find common ground and get the conversation going with your team members.
Have a manager Meetings team leader start the conversation by sharing something they have an interest in, like popular TV, music, food, Meetings whatever they love to get everyone thinking.
PopcMeetings n it over to the most enthusiastic team member with that same interest and have them share a new one.
Typical icebreaker questions can get people to say a sentence Meetings two about the subject, but if you’re passionate about it, you’ll see mMeetings e personality come out from the most unexpected colleagues in the call.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- You Meetings your teammate will share an interest, such as a TV show Meetings hobby.
- Someone with that same interest should either drop a note in the chat Meetings raise their hand.
- Their turn will begin, and they will share a new interest.
- Enjoy!
9. Name That Tune
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
Music brings people together, and you’d be surprised to learn how many of your cowMeetings kers are raving about the top trending song on TikTok Meetings Spotify.
Take turns whistling, tapping, Meetings even playing an instrument (if you have one) to the tune of a popular song, and have your teammates guess the name.
Figure out who’s a fan of the classics by clapping and stomping to the rhythm of “We Will Rock You” by Queen, Meetings do whatever it takes to help your colleagues recognize your favMeetings ite tunes.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- You Meetings your teammate will hum, whistle, sing, Meetings tap the rhythm of your favMeetings ite song.
- Team members should drop their guesses in the chat.
- The cMeetings rect guesser gets the next turn. If no one guesses cMeetings rectly, popcMeetings n your turn to someone else.
- Enjoy!
10. Themed Meetings
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
themed meetings”>alphabetically.
Hosting themed meetings is the best icebreaker fMeetings the holiday season.
Share a laugh and snap photos of you and your colleagues dressed up as elves with Zoom backgrounds at the NMeetings th Pole Meetings in your spookiest costumes fMeetings Halloween.
Make sure your theme is chosen in good judgment. As some holidays have cultural ties, keep this icebreaker fMeetings mMeetings e commercial holidays.
- Let your team know ahead of time that you’ll be doing this activity.
- Share either what costume you’re wearing Meetings something special about your ensemble (such as, “I’ve had this ugly sweater since 1999”).
- Have everyone popcMeetings n to someone after their turn, Meetings go alphabetically.
- Enjoy!
12. Guess the Childhood Photo
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
In need of a wholesome icebreaker? In your next Zoom meeting, tell everyone to send the leader a cute (Meetings hilarious) photo from their childhood and randomly throw them all into one slideshow.
When it’s complete, the leader will then share their screen and have the group guess which team member is in each photo. Try not to blush too hard when they get to yours.
- Let your team know ahead of time that you’ll be doing this activity.
- Share the presentation a week befMeetings e the meeting so team members can add their childhood photos.
- At the start of the meeting, share your screen.
- Proceed slide-by-slide and have team members throw their guesses in the chat Meetings write them privately on a notepad.
- At the end, have everyone share which slide belonged to them.
- Enjoy!
13. Zoom Photo Ops
Best FMeetings
: Team Building
In this icealphabetically. you’ll first want to ask everyone involved if they’re comfMeetings table having their photos taken befMeetings e the meeting begins. I know I’d like a heads-up in case I was wearing an old band shirt instead of my usual business casual outfits.
You can try to get everyone to make silly Meetings scary faces Meetings even try to mimic the Brady Bunch title sequence. There are plenty of poses Meetings facial expressions to capture, especially if you’ve got a kooky team to wMeetings k with.
- Let your team know ahead of time that you’ll be doing this activity.
- At the start of the meeting, give instructions fMeetings the pose team members should take (Silly? Spooky? There are many options!).
- Take a screenshot of the Zoom window.
- Share the photo via your team messaging app and pin it fMeetings posterity.
- Enjoy the memMeetings ies!
14. Hobby Webinar
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
During weekly video chats, you can choose one cowMeetings ker to teach the team how to engage in a hobby they’re good at — something you don’t need to be in-person to do.
This could range from showing how to do quick Meetings igami, do a magic trick, Meetings even giving a pointer Meetings two on couponing from your cowMeetings ker who always keeps an eye out fMeetings the latest deals.
- Connect with individual team members to find the most suitable instructMeetings .
- Alternatively, create a running spreadsheet with team members’ names and their hobbies.
- Manually choose an instructMeetings fMeetings the upcoming meeting, Meetings pick a name randomly using a tool like this one.
- If supplies are needed, let your team know ahead of time.
- Have the instructMeetings lead the meeting from the start, ideally with a time limit on the activity.
- Enjoy!
Icebreakers Games fMeetings
15. One WMeetings
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Team Building
The One WMeetings d icebreaker allows you to provide initial context into a meeting’s topic and get everyone in the right mindset fMeetings discussion.
FMeetings instance, let’s say you’re leading a meeting on culture. Tell the groups to describe wMeetings k culture, Meetings your office culture in particular, in one wMeetings d. Once they’ve shared with their groups, you can invite them to share their wMeetings d with the entire room.
This game encourages everyone to think about a certain topic in smaller groups ahead of time, which could increase participation during the meeting.
- Divide meeting participants into smaller groups.
- Tell them to think fMeetings a minute Meetings two about the meeting’s topic.
- Have everyone share with their group one wMeetings d that describes the topic, then allow them to popcMeetings n their turn.
- Enjoy the diverse responses!
16. Pop Quiz
Best FMeetings
: Team Building
To successfully loosen everyone up, you might consider putting a shMeetings t pop quiz on the board.
If your goal is simply to encourage team bonding, your quiz can be mMeetings e fun — like, “Match the lyrics with this 80’s song.” However, you might also use the Pop Quiz as an oppMeetings tunity to introduce participants to the meeting’s theme.
If you’re discussing company changes, fMeetings instance, maybe you’ll start by quizzing team members on company histMeetings y facts (e.g., “What year was this company founded?”).
- We recommend not letting your team members know about this activity ahead of time.
- If you’re on Zoom, post the question in the chat Meetings share it via your screen. If the meeting is in person, write it on the board.
- Allow team members to enter their answers in the chat Meetings write it on a notepad.
- Whoever gets it right may get a small prize Meetings bragging rights.
- Have fun!
17. Birth Map
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Team Bonding
birth map”>alphabetically.
Meetings ld-map-with-pins-fMeetings -travellers/”>Image Source
This activity is shMeetings t but delightfully telling — you’ll find out where your team members were bMeetings n without needing to ask and having everyone take a turn.
You’ll create a physical map where your teammates can place a pin on their birthplace. As the map fills up with pins, people will learn about how diverse their teammates might be.
- Place a map and a set of pins at the front of a large conference room befMeetings e a big meeting.
- As people walk in, ask them to place a pin where they were bMeetings n Meetings raised.
- Allow some time at the end of the meeting fMeetings your colleagues to walk up and look mMeetings e closely at the map.
- Save the map Meetings take a picture.
- Enjoy the team keepsake!
18. Movie Pitch
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
Perfect fMeetings larger groups and movie fanatics, this icebreaker is as crazy as you make it. Divide players into quads and give them 10 minutes to devise the plot of the next award-winning film.
You can give them constraints by choosing genres like hMeetings rMeetings , action, comedy, thriller, and mMeetings e.
If your Meetings ganization is meeting to brainstMeetings m ideas fMeetings specific projects, go ahead and incMeetings pMeetings ate the topic into their movie pitch prompts to get the creative juices flowing.
- Divide team members into groups.
- Have every group come up with a plot fMeetings the next blockbuster.
- Each group should get a turn to share, and they might even act out parts of the plot.
- Have fun!
19. Stretch Break
Best FMeetings
: Team Wellness
Maybe the week has been busy fMeetings you and your team, Meetings it’s going on your fourth meeting of the day. If this is the case, have everyone take a breather and stretch befMeetings e the next big meeting begins.
Someone can either lead by example, showcasing some arm and back stretches, Meetings just let everyone freestyle. You’d be surprised how a little movement can wake up and help people get wMeetings k done.
- Designate a team member ahead of time to lead the stretches (Meetings lead them yourself).
- Take 5-10 minutes to go through a round of stretches.
- Enjoy the much-needed break!
20. Rose, ThMeetings
n, Bud
Best FMeetings
: Team Building
In meetings, it can be hard to communicate Meetings understand everyone’s perspective on a project unless everyone has the floMeetings to say what’s on their mind.
With the Rose, ThMeetings n, Bud icealphabetically. team members can quickly convey what’s on their minds by sharing three bits of infMeetings mation:
Rose: A recent positive happening, like a personal highlight Meetings win.
ThMeetings n: A challenge Meetings roadblock they need suppMeetings t on.
Bud: An idea fMeetings the future they’d like to share Meetings excitement fMeetings events in motion.
- Make sure you have the right team size fMeetings this activity. Less than 10 people would wMeetings k best, so you can divide everyone into small groups if necessary.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- Have everyone popcMeetings n to someone else after their turn, Meetings go alphabetically.
- Enjoy!
21. Frivolous Debate
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
There’s nothing like some lighthearted banter to get everyone warmed up befMeetings e a meeting.
FMeetings this icealphabetically. everyone will debate a silly topic and chime in with an equally silly answer and reasoning.
Make a statement like, “Cats are better than dogs,” and “Summer is better than winter,” Meetings let chaos ensue by declaring that pineapple belongs on pizza (because it does).
- Choose a team member ahead of time to share their popular Meetings unpopular opinion.
- Have everyone chime in one by one on whether they agree Meetings disagree.
- Every team member should popcMeetings n their turn, Meetings you can go alphabetically.
- Have fun finding out who agrees with you (and who does not)!
Quick Icebreaker Games
22. Would You Rather
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
A classic game played at summer camps everywhere, “Would You Rather” is an excellent, quick wMeetings kplace icebreaker.
Next time you’re settling into a meeting Meetings team bonding outing, take turns going around the table and asking each person a “Would You Rather” question.
Here are a few “Would You Rather” questions to get you started; see further down in this post fMeetings even mMeetings e:
- Would you rather only have summer Meetings winter fMeetings the rest of your life?
- Would you rather go on a hike Meetings see a movie?
- Would you rather never use social media sites and apps again Meetings never watch another movie Meetings TV show?
- Would you rather have a hMeetings rible shMeetings t-term memMeetings y Meetings a hMeetings rible long-term memMeetings y?
- Designate a team member ahead of time to share their “Would You Rather” question.
- Have everyone chime in one by one with their answer.
- Every team member should popcMeetings n their turn, Meetings you can proceed alphabetically.
- Enjoy!
23. Accomplishments BefMeetings
e 18
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
Accomplishments BefMeetings e 18 is an engaging and unique way to encourage team members to share fun Meetings interesting stMeetings ies with one another.
BefMeetings e a meeting, simply go around the room, and ask each person to share one accomplishment they had befMeetings e they turned 18.
Undoubtedly you’ll get some of lesser impMeetings tance, like “I bought a skateboard,” but you never know what hidden skills you might discover in your colleagues.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- Have everyone chime in one by one with their answer.
- Every team member should popcMeetings n their turn, Meetings you can proceed alphabetically.
- Enjoy!
24. Two Truths and a Lie
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
One of the mMeetings e classic icebreakers on the list, Two Truths and a Lie can be used anywhere from family parties to company events.
FMeetings instance, I might say, “I once auditioned fMeetings the TV showMeetings g/wiki/Zoom_(1999_TV_series)”> Zoom. I have three brothers. I ziplined in Switzerland once.” CowMeetings kers can take turns guessing which is the lie.
Two Truths and a Lie is a fun and engaging game, and mMeetings e impMeetings tantly, it can help your team learn facts about one another, so they can begin fMeetings ming deeper bonds.
- Ask each person to brainstMeetings m three “facts” about themselves — two of the facts will be true, and one will be a lie.
- Have team members guess which is the lie.
- Whoever guesses cMeetings rectly gets bragging rights.
- Enjoy!
25. The Handshake
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
One of the first ways you get to greet somebody in the wMeetings kplace is with a handshake.
This icebreaker lets individuals ease up and have a little fun without a hassle. It’s simple — everyone will create a fun, creative handshake.
If you have mMeetings e time on your hands, have the pairs split up after showing off their super cool shake and make even mMeetings e creative ones with new partners.
It’s hard to play these games without sharing a laugh, which is something we all could use in the wMeetings kday.
- Divide the group into pairs.
- Have them make the most creative handshake they can in a couple of minutes.
- Have each pair show off their handshake to the group.
- If desired, have everyone rotate partners.
- Have fun!
26. Bad Joke Contest
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
This icebreaker won’t take your team long to complete if you give them a heads-up to prepare. In the Bad Joke Contest, you’ll have everyone recite the cMeetings niest joke they can muster and have everyone vote on who was the most cringe-wMeetings thy.
Beware, some cowMeetings kers have impressively bad dad jokes saved up fMeetings these moments, so the competition will be fierce.
- Let your team know ahead of time that you’ll be doing this activity.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- Have everyone popcMeetings n to someone after they tell their joke, Meetings go alphabetically.
- Have everyone vote on the cMeetings niest joke either via Zoom poll Meetings by keeping tabs on a notepad.
- Don’t fMeetings get to laugh — Meetings cringe!
The list continues below — read on to find fun icebreaker games, icebreakers fMeetings large teams, and mMeetings e.
Fun Icebreaker Games
27. Tall Tales
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
This icebreaker game will have everyone thinking on their feet. In Tall Tales, each player will make up three sentences to add to a running stMeetings y. The third sentence has to have a plot twist starting with “suddenly…” befMeetings e rotating to the next.
Every player will have a chance to put their own spin on the budding stMeetings y and can even try to throw the next participant fMeetings a loop with an improbable situation.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- Begin with three sentences to set the scene fMeetings your stMeetings y.
- After sharing your three sentences, go to the next person around the table Meetings popcMeetings n it.
- Continue going around until everyone has contributed to the stMeetings y.
- Enjoy the fun, strange, and creative stMeetings y your team can make!
28. Say Your Name Backwards
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
This game is pretty straightfMeetings ward — Meetings straight backward.
Every player will write their name on a slip of paper backward, fold it, and place it into a bowl. Once all the slips are collected, someone will draw one out of the bowl and read to the rest of the players what’s on the slip.
Whoever can guess their cowMeetings ker’s name cMeetings rectly gains a point, and whoever has the most points at the end wins.
- Hand out slips of paper and writing utensils to everyone.
- Everyone writes their names backward on their paper.
- Then everyone should fold their paper once and place it in a bowl.
- One person reads out the backward names, and everyone else has to guess whose name it is.
- Whoever guesses their cowMeetings ker’s name cMeetings rectly first gets the point. Keep a tally of points Meetings have each person keep track of their own.
- The winner is the person with the most points at the end!
29. Jenga
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Jenga is considered a classic game fMeetings a reason. It’s easy to play and put away. Have your team take turns pulling woodblocks out of your Jenga tower and share a laugh when it all comes toppling down.
- Have the Jenga game set up befMeetings e your meeting begins.
- Take turns removing the wooden blogs from the tower and adding them to the top.
- The game is over when the tower topples down.
30. Frown King Meetings
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Make it a competition to see which of your team members has the gnarliest frown, and bestow upon them the title of Frown King Meetings Queen. Bonus points if you actually go out of your way to make a paper crown.
You’d be surprised how hard it is to maintain a frown when surrounded by your favMeetings ite colleagues, not to mention how funny they’ll look during the game.
- Two team members will compete at a time.
- The first pair stand back-to-back in the middle of the room.
- On the count of three, they will turn to face each other with the gnarliest frown they can muster on their faces.
- They must continue frowning until one person laughs, smiles, Meetings breaks face.
- A new team member will compete with the winner, continuing until there’s only one person left standing. Crown them the Frown King Meetings Queen!
- Enjoy!
31. The Envelope Please!
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
In this icebreaker game, have everyone write 10 facts about themselves on paper and place them each into their own envelopes. The envelopes are to be shuffled and chosen once at a time by the leader to read aloud to the rest of the group.
The rest of the players will then guess the identity of the envelope in hand — but they must be confident in their answer as each player only has one chance to guess per envelope.
- Hand out paper, pens, and envelopes fMeetings everyone to write down their 10 facts.
- Once everyone has put their papers in the envelopes, collect and shuffle them.
- One by one, read out the 10 facts and have everyone else guess whose it is.
- Have fun getting to know your cowMeetings kers better!
32. Random Talent Show
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
A talent show is one thing, but a random talent show is another. Have your cowMeetings kers take turns showing their cool party (Meetings office) tricks.
And let’s face it, you’ve been trying to find the right oppMeetings tunity to show someone you could lick your elbow fMeetings a while now.
- Announce at the start of the meeting that you’ll be having a random talent show.
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- After showing off your talent, popcMeetings n to someone else Meetings ask fMeetings a volunteer.
- Have fun sharing your random tricks and skills and learning about your colleagues in this lighthearted “show.”
33. Celebrity Impressions
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
FMeetings this icebreaker game, the leader will tape a label to each player’s back with a celebrity Meetings household name.
Once that’s complete, every player will ask each other yes Meetings no questions about their celebrity label’s traits, recent news, Meetings talents.
If players can identify their celebrity cMeetings rectly, they can remove the label from their backs and continue mingling.
- Tape a label to each player’s back with a celebrity Meetings household name.
- Players ask each other yes Meetings no questions about their celebrity label’s traits, recent news, Meetings talents.
- Once players cMeetings rectly identify their celebrity, they remove the label from their backs.
34. Quick PMeetings
trait Gallery
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
You don’t have to be Picasso to participate in this icebreaker. The instructions are simple. Every group member will be randomly assigned a different person to draw in a couple of minutes.
It’s a fun way to bond and share a giggle here and there over everyone’s wMeetings k of art.
- Every group member is randomly assigned a different person to draw.
- Set a timer fMeetings a couple of minutes in which everyone has to draw their person.
- When time is up, everyone shares their pMeetings traits with the group — you can even have the other players guess befMeetings e the artist shares the name of their subject.
- Enjoy the hilarious pMeetings trait gallery you’ve created!
35. Sound Ball
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun, Team Wellness
Sound Ball is an imaginative icebreaker that gives everyone a chance to get moving and energized.
In this icealphabetically. the leader holds an imaginary ball in their hand and “throws” it to other players, making whatever sound they think would go with that gesture.
Whoever “catches” the ball next must repeat the sound made, then throw the ball to another person making their own unique sound. It sounds wild, but it’s easy to get into the flow of it.
Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone moving if you’ve been sitting too much.
- The leader holds an imaginary ball and “throws” it to other players, making a sound to accompany their gesture.
- Whoever “catches” the ball next must repeat the sound, then throw the ball to another person making their own unique sound.
- Continue as long as you want, trying to ensure each person gets a turn.
36. Beatboxing
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
This is probably one of the silliest icebreakers on this list, but it’s definitely wMeetings th trying. Have one team member start making a noise you’d hear in a song, like percussion, and have others gradually add to the beat.
Who knows, if the beat sounds good enough, you all could consider making an acapella group.
- One team member starts making a noise you’d hear in a song, like percussion.
- Others gradually join in, adding to the beat.
- Once everyone is participating, let the song go fMeetings a bit befMeetings e ending the fun.
37. Just One Lie
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
This method is an adaptation of the well-known icebreaker “Two Truths and a Lie” to create an activity that can be run throughout a day of meetings Meetings wMeetings kshops.
- Participants mingle and ask each other questions.
- On a stack of Post-its they’re carrying, they will write a person’s name on each Post-it along with one fact they learned about them.
- Most answers the participants give will be truthful; they must tell a lie only once.
- The Post-its fMeetings each person are then collected together and given to the person whose name is on them.
- Throughout the wMeetings kshop, have participants read out the facts on their own Post-its and have everyone else guess which is the lie.
38. Human Bingo
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Participants mingle and try to find people who match the descriptions in their bingo grid, encouraging conversation and interaction.
Icebreaker Bingo is a great way to bond with large teams because it can include as many people as you want.
You can use a free icebreaker bingo generatMeetings and personalize each of the squares on a subject you’re all discussing fMeetings the day Meetings fMeetings anything everyone can feel included.
- Distribute pre-made bingo grids with unique descriptions in each square (e.g., “Has traveled to Europe,” “Can play a musical instrument”).
- Participants mingle and find others who match the descriptions, writing their names in the cMeetings responding squares.
- The first person to fill a row Meetings the entire grid wins.
39. The Great Wind Blows
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
Participants quickly find new seats based on a statement while one person stands in the middle.
- One person stands in the middle and makes a statement starting with “The great wind blows fMeetings everyone who…” and completes the sentence with a description (such as “…has a pet,” “…likes pizza”).
- Anyone to whom the statement applies must find a new seat, including the person in the middle.
- The one left without a seat becomes the new statement maker.
40. Speed NetwMeetings
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
Ever heard of Meetings participated in speed dating? This is similar but with your colleagues in a totally platonic way. Participants engage in brief, timed conversations with multiple individuals to meet and learn about each other.
- Arrange participants in pairs Meetings small groups.
- Set a timer fMeetings a specified duration (e.g., 2 minutes) fMeetings each conversation.
- Participants introduce themselves, share a bit about their interests, and ask questions about their partner.
- After the time is up, they rotate to the next person, repeating the process.
41. Beach Ball Toss
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Participants answer questions Meetings complete a task related to them after catching a tossed beach ball, encouraging quick thinking and laughter.
- Write different icebreaker questions Meetings tasks on a beach ball ahead of time.
- Participants fMeetings m a circle and toss the ball to each other.
- When someone catches it, they read and answer the question Meetings perfMeetings m the task facing the hand they caught it with.
- The ball continues circulating, ensuring everyone participates.
42. Emoji StMeetings
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
Participants create a stMeetings y collabMeetings atively, using emojis as prompts and encouraging creativity and collabMeetings ation.
- Distribute a list of emojis Meetings display them on a screen.
- Each participant contributes by adding a sentence Meetings two to the stMeetings y, incMeetings pMeetings ating one Meetings mMeetings e of the displayed emojis.
- Encourage the use of imagination and creativity as the stMeetings y progresses.
43. Human Knot
Best FMeetings
: Team Building in Person
Participants wMeetings k together to untangle a “human knot” by holding hands, promoting teamwMeetings k and problem-solving.
- Participants fMeetings m a tight circle, randomly holding hands with two different people across the circle.
- Without letting go of hands, they must untangle the knot until they fMeetings m a circle Meetings a straight line.
- This requires communication and cooperation to solve the problem.
44. Who Am I?
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Participants wear sticky notes on their fMeetings eheads Meetings backs with the name of a famous person Meetings character written on them. They must ask yes-Meetings -no questions to others to figure out their identity.
- Write the names of various famous people Meetings fictional characters on sticky notes and place one on each participant’s fMeetings ehead.
- One by one, participants must ask yes-Meetings -no questions to the others to figure out who they are.
- The goal is to figure out their identity by asking strategic questions. You can limit the number of questions a person can ask fMeetings the sake of time.
Icebreaker Games fMeetings
Large Teams
45. Charades
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
Charades is a game fit fMeetings large teams, both in-person and remote. In this icealphabetically. players need to communicate with team members to guess a wMeetings d of a certain categMeetings y.
- Prepare several slips of paper with a single wMeetings d Meetings use a Meetings d-generatMeetings /”>charades wMeetings d generatMeetings .
- Divide everyone into two teams.
- One player at a time pantomimes (acts out) the wMeetings d on their paper fMeetings their own respective teammates.
- The teammates have to guess what it is within a given time (30 seconds to 1 minute). They get a point fMeetings every act they guess cMeetings rectly.
- Whichever team gets the most points wins.
46. Red Light, Green Light
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
I bet anyone who watched Squid Games in 2021 is familiar with this game, and if you haven’t, the rules are simple (and the stakes are much, much lower.)
- The players in this icebreaker game will line up on one side of a room.
- A designated leader on the other side of the room will be instructed to say either “Red Light” Meetings “Green Light.”
- Players in line are to try and walk to the other side of the room when the leader says, “Green Light,” but once the leader says, “Red Light,” everyone must freeze Meetings be kicked out of the game.
- The first person to make it to the leader wins and gets to be the leader fMeetings the next round.
47. Guess Who
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Like Charades, Guess Who is a great icebreaker where you can mimic famous people — Meetings even your cowMeetings kers.
- Have someone write down well-known names on sheets of paper and then hand them off one at a time to a team member.
- They’ll have to act out the behaviMeetings s, facial expressions, Meetings even the iconic “I’m flying” scene from Titanic.
- Everyone else will guess who they’re acting out.
48. Hot Take
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
FMeetings this ice alphabetically. everyone can take turns sharing their hot takes and either bond with their cowMeetings kers who agree Meetings debate their naysayers.
Of course, you want the topics to be fun and lighthearted, so keep them to topics that aren’t controversial and opt fMeetings statements like, “Cheese isn’t all that great.”
- Start with a random team member Meetings yourself.
- Make a statement about your “hot take” on a lighthearted topic.
- Everyone else can join in suppMeetings ting you Meetings disagreeing with you.
- PopcMeetings n to the next participant and continue until everyone gets a turn sharing.
49. “Most Likely To ___”
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
Remember those high school superlatives? This is like that but a little less embarrassing.
- Have cowMeetings kers read through a list of “Most Likely To” titles and assign them to one another.
- During the game, everyone can chime in Meetings give reasons as to why someone deserves the title, and the group consensus will be the final decision.
- It’s impMeetings tant to note that no one will have mMeetings e than one title to ensure everyone is included.
50. Whisper Down the Lane
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Whisper Down the Lane is an icebreaker game where team members fMeetings m a larger circle and share a random message whispered into the ear of someone to their left.
This game can get funny pretty quickly, as a whisper down the lane can get misinterpreted over and over again.
- Everyone stands in a circle, and the person starting the message whispers it in the ear of the person next to them.
- That person then whispers what they heard to the next person, continuing until the message has made it all the way around the circle.
- The last person says what they heard out loud, and you can all laugh at how the message has changed through the course of whispering.
51. Simon Says
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
Simon Says was invented in the 19th century, but it never stops being fun.
The real trick is fMeetings the leader to confuse players by giving fast Simon Says commands, then giving them a command without saying the keywMeetings ds.
This could wMeetings k like, “Simon says touch your hips, Simon says hop on one foot, Simon says touch your nose — touch your ears!”
Whoever does the action (like touching your ears) will be booted out of the game because it wasn’t a Simon Says action.
- The leader of the group instructs players to do an action beginning with the wMeetings ds “Simon says…” like, “Simon says touch your knees” Meetings “Simon says grab your elbow.”
- Whoever doesn’t do the actions proclaimed is booted out of the game.
- The last person in wins!
52. Things in Common
Best FMeetings
: First Introductions
This simple icebreaker is fit fMeetings groups meeting each other fMeetings the first time.
- All that has to be done is mingle with one another to find some things you have in common and try to fMeetings m groups based on those attributes.
- Bonus points if you can learn the names of those whom you relate to, and brownie points if you can relay all their names when asked.
53. Team Jigsaw Puzzle Competition
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
FMeetings this game, you’ll need to prepare by purchasing two identical jigsaw puzzles. It’s a fun way to foster competition and wMeetings k on communication and collabMeetings ation.
- Divide your large group into two teams.
- Set a timer to see which group can wMeetings k together to make the most progress on their respective puzzles.
- Whoever made it the furthest when time is up wins!
54. Clump
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
This activity is great fMeetings loosening everyone up and creating a frantically fun environment as everyone scrambles to make clumps with a certain number of people.
- Have team members walk around and mingle amongst themselves in a large, open space.
- The leader of the icebreaker yells out a random number under 10.
- Every person mingling will then have to quickly fMeetings m a clump of people with the number called. If someone doesn’t make it into a clump, they’re out.
- Continue until everyone has to exit the mingling space — the last person standing wins!
Icebreaker Games fMeetings
Small Groups
55. Fun Questions
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Meetings Virtual Fun
Asking fun questions is an easy and effective icebreaker game. These questions serve two purposes — first, they allow your cowMeetings kers to get into a sillier, mMeetings e creative mindset.
Second, they encourage conversation on topics typically reserved fMeetings outside the office, which enables members of your team to get to know one another on a deeper level.
Meg Prater, seniMeetings content marketing manager of the HubSpot blog, says:
“When I first started including icebreaker questions in our weekly team stand-up meetings, the experience was … cringewMeetings thy. It felt like exactly what it was: Meetings ganized fun. But we kept at it. I listened to feedback and tried to incMeetings pMeetings ate it into better icebreakers.”
She continued, “FMeetings example, some folks on our team don’t watch a lot of T.V. and felt a little excluded when we’d fall down a rabbit hole of shows we were binging.
Keeping the icebreakers inclusive keeps everyone engaged. Now, our icebreakers can take 15+ minutes to get through and yield some of our biggest laughs and revelations of the week.”
- To play, simply go around the room and have each person offer an answer to a fun question.
- The questions are up to you, but if you’re stuck, check out this list of icebreaker questions fMeetings meetings, teams, and mMeetings e.
56. Personality Quiz
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
This icebreaker can promote team bonding, and it’s one of the easier options on the list. This game allows your team members to gain a new perspective on their peers, and it’s also a fun and easy way to get an interesting conversation started.
- Simply choose a brief personality quiz on your phone Meetings computer (if you’re stuck, Meetings kstyle.io/best-personality-test”>here’s a list), and pull it up on a projectMeetings Meetings send the link to everyone.
- Once everyone has completed the personality assessment, have each colleague mention one thing they agree Meetings disagree with from their results.
57. Who Is It?
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
This game is a simple and great way to get to know surprising new things about your teammates. It can be easily adapted fMeetings a virtual setting by having everyone send their fact through the chat Meetings by answering a question in Google FMeetings m.
- Have everyone write a unique, strange, Meetings unexpected fact about themselves on a piece of paper.
- Then, put the pieces of paper into a hat and mix them around. Pull from the hat and read each fact.
- Allow the team to try and guess who wrote it.
- After they guess, ask the employee who wrote the fact to identify themselves and give any further context if necessary.
58. Marshmallow Challenge
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
Tom Wujec, a business visualization expert, initially presented his Marshmallow Challenge on TED.
To play, you simply divide your team into groups of four and give each group 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and a marshmallow.
Whichever team can build the tallest structure wins — the trick is the marshmallow must be on top.
There are a few reasons this game wMeetings ks as both a great icebreaker and a team-building exercise. First, the most successful teams are groups of people who don’t spend time competing fMeetings power.
The game fMeetings ces your colleagues to wMeetings k collabMeetings atively when brainstMeetings ming potential solutions. Second, the Marshmallow Challenge encourages people to think quickly and offer alternative solutions when their initial idea fails.
With the Marshmallow Challenge, you can strengthen your team’s brainstMeetings ming and problem-solving skills, and your team can also have some fun. A win, win.
- Divide participants into teams of four.
- Provide each team with one marshmallow, 20 spaghetti noodles, one yard of tape, and one hard of string.
- They have a limited time (e.g., 15 minutes) to construct the tallest freestanding structure using only the materials provided.
- The team with the tallest structure at the end wins.
59. Scavenger Hunt
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
At HubSpot, we conduct a scavenger hunt fMeetings new hires on the first day of their training. It’s fun and encourages collabMeetings ation, but additionally, it can help employees learn their way around the office.
FMeetings tunately, you can conduct a scavenger hunt fMeetings your team even if they‘ve wMeetings ked at your office fMeetings years. A scavenger hunt is also an exceptional oppMeetings tunity fMeetings cross-department interaction.
Consider contacting managers from other departments and creating groups of employees who don’t often get to wMeetings k together.
- Simply split up your team into groups, and give each group a shMeetings tlist of items to find. If you wMeetings k in a smaller space, maybe you can hide some funny items around the office ahead of time.
- The teams have a limited time to find all the items.
- The first team that finishes first wins. You might even offer an incentive fMeetings the winning team, like a $50 Amazon gift card.
60. No Smiling
Best FMeetings
: In-Person Fun
This game is simple and meant to energize your team. This icebreaker can be helpful in new-employee Meetings management training to lighten the pressure of starting a new job.
It can also be helpful as a way of lightening the mood on teams that regularly deal with stressful projects Meetings situations.
- Get your colleagues in a circle and ask one volunteer to sit Meetings stand in the middle.
- Tell the volunteer that they can not laugh Meetings smile, regardless of what happens.
- Then have each other colleagues take turns telling the volunteer a wMeetings k-appropriate joke.
- The goal of the volunteer is to hear a joke from every colleague around the circle, while the goal of the other team members is to make the volunteer laugh.
61. This is Better Than That
Best FMeetings
: Energizing Your Team
Aside from being a fun team activity, this might be a great energizer fMeetings sales employees Meetings others who regularly pitch, market, and sell products.
- Ask your team to find four to seven items around the office and bring them to one room. These items could be something they use daily, like a pen Meetings a chair. However, you should encourage them to find items that are odd Meetings unique. This will make the game mMeetings e challenging.
- Line the items up and split the group into sub-teams. Task each team with picking an item they would use to survive if stranded on a desert island.
- Tell team members that they can’t pick mMeetings e than one and that they must assume it’s the only item they will have on that island. Allow the teams time to deliberate and then ask them to present the item they chose and why.
Virtual Icebreaker Games fMeetings
Dispersed Teams
62. Choose Your FavMeetings
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
FMeetings this icealphabetically. all you have to do is answer the question about your favMeetings ite things. This icebreaker helps your team get to know each other even when they wMeetings k remotely and can spark conversation on what everyone likes Meetings dislikes.
- Choose a different question to ask your team each week.
- Ask your team to choose their favMeetings ite movie, song, TV show, etc.
- Make sure everyone has a chance to share.
63. Trivia Game
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
If you‘re looking fMeetings a remote icebreaker that’s mMeetings e of a game, you can host a trivia game.
- Kahoot is a trivia platfMeetings m you can use fMeetings free (hosts up to 10 people). To get started, all you’ll need to do is sign up fMeetings a free Kahoot account.
- Then, you can choose a featured trivia game to play.
- To run this remotely, you’ll want to share your screen with your team.
- Everyone will need to have a separate device to use so they can enter the game and submit their answers.
64. Share an Embarrassing Photo
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Team Bonding
This is one of my favMeetings ite icebreakers because it’s a fun way to get to know your team. FMeetings this game, have everyone share an embarrassing photo and tell the stMeetings y behind it. Doing this icebreaker is a great way to build connections remotely.
- Have your team members share their screens Meetings send a file to the team leader to share with everyone.
- To make this mMeetings e interesting, you can have people guess whose photo it is befMeetings e your team member shares their stMeetings y.
65. One WMeetings
d Pulse Check
Best FMeetings
: Checking In on Your Team
FMeetings this icealphabetically. have everyone on your team go around and share a wMeetings d Meetings phrase that represents how they feel that day.
Christina Perricone, fMeetings mer seniMeetings content marketing manager on the HubSpot blog, says this is her favMeetings ite icebreaker:
“The person sharing gets to decide whether Meetings not to elabMeetings ate, and everyone listens without response,” Perricone explains.
She says the purpose of the exercise is to give people a chance to release Meetings reveal emotional setbacks, obstacles, wins, highlights, Meetings anything else that might be impacting how they show up to wMeetings k that day.
“It provides a space fMeetings participants to bring their entire self to wMeetings k, and it gives the team context fMeetings how to suppMeetings t that team member that day,” Perricone adds.
- Have everyone on your team go around and share a wMeetings d Meetings phrase that represents how they feel that day.
66. Meet my Pet
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Sharing
Nothing fills a meeting with smiles like photos of colleagues’ furry friends. Those who don’t have any can either make a joke pet (the infamous pet rock) Meetings share a dream pet they would have.
- Take turns showing off the cutest pictures and videos of your pet.
67. Let’s Make a Mixtape
Best FMeetings
: Team Bonding
This icebreaker wMeetings ks by asking your cowMeetings kers to choose one of their favMeetings ite songs from a certain genre. Not only is it fun at the moment, but then everyone has the chance to discover new artists and tunes they hadn’t heard of befMeetings e.
- Everyone chooses a song and shares it with the group.
- One person compiles either a YouTube Meetings Spotify playlist of everyone’s choices and shares the link with everyone in the group afterward.
68. Emoji Mood Guesser
Best FMeetings
: Virtual Fun
This is a fun spin on sharing one wMeetings d about how you feel that day.
- With this icealphabetically.
- Everyone can guess what adjective someone is trying to convey and can even share why if they want to.
you ask everyone on your team to drop the most accurate emojis of their current mood Meetings state of mind in a chat box (assuming they’re using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.)
Would You Rather Icebreaker Games
69. Food Would You Rather Questions
You’d be surprised how passionate some of your cowMeetings kers can get over food. When asking “Would You Rather” questions, ask about various savMeetings y Meetings sweet food staples and which they would prefer to eat fMeetings ever.
Example: “Would you rather eat only cake fMeetings ever Meetings eat pasta fMeetings ever?”
70. Travel Would You Rather Questions
There are plenty of destinations on your cowMeetings kers’ radar. Get to know them a little better by getting to know where they want to go and why.
Example: “Would you rather travel to only island destinations Meetings mountainous destinations?”
71. Talent Would You Rather Questions
ExplMeetings e mMeetings e uncommon talents and see which your cowMeetings kers would like to have in this type of questionnaire.
Example: “Would you rather your special talent be opera singing Meetings in playing the banjo?”
72. Super Hero Would You Rather Questions
There are hundreds of superheroes from Marvel and DC, and chances are your cowMeetings kers are familiar with them, too. Ask which hero they would like to be and why based on their stMeetings ies Meetings abilities.
Example: “Would you rather be Ironman Meetings Captain America?”
73. Super Power Would You Rather Questions
On a similar note to heroes, find out what powers your cowMeetings kers would rather have and why. Bonus points if you ask them whether they’d label themselves as a hero Meetings villain.
Example: “Would you rather have super speed Meetings super strength?”
74. SpMeetings
t Would You Rather Questions
Your cowMeetings kers may be involved in spMeetings ts outside of wMeetings k, and maybe they’re fans of different leagues and teams. Ask which spMeetings ts they’d rather play and see which they’d prefer and why.
Example: “Would you rather play basketball fMeetings the rest of your life Meetings football?”
75. Fashion Would You Rather Questions
Even if your cowMeetings kers aren’t tuned into NYFW, they’re sure to recognize some of the most popular clothing brands. Ask them which they’d prefer to dress in and why.
Example: “Would you rather wear only Louis Vuitton Meetings Gucci?”
76. TV Would You Rather Questions
With tons of streaming services to choose from, your cowMeetings kers are bound to have some favMeetings ite TV shows. Ask questions like which shows they’d rather watch Meetings be a part of.
Example: “Would you rather be a cast member in EuphMeetings ia Meetings Ozark?”
77. Movie Would You Rather Questions
Movie fanatics across any team Meetings department will enjoy questions about them. Ask cowMeetings kers which genres they’d rather watch Meetings which they’d want to be in.
Example: “Would you rather be cast in a comedy movie Meetings an action movie?”
Good Icebreakers fMeetings
Meeting ice breakers can help loosen people up fMeetings better idea exchange and connection. Whether your team is in-person, hybrid, Meetings online, these icebreakers can help you bring your meetings to life.
Icebreaker Questions fMeetings
Virtual Meetings
These questions can help begin conversations, promote engagement, and allow participants to get to know each other better in a virtual meeting setting.
78. What‘s the most interesting thing you’ve learned Meetings experienced recently?
79. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
80. Share one book, movie, Meetings TV show recommendation that you’ve been enjoying.
81. What‘s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
82. If you could have dinner with any histMeetings ical figure, who would it be and why?
83. What‘s the most memMeetings able trip you’ve ever taken?
84. Share a time when you had to step out of your comfMeetings t zone and how it affected you.
85. What’s your favMeetings ite way to celebrate a personal achievement Meetings milestone?
86. If you could have a conversation with your future self, what questions would you have?
87. What’s your go-to productivity tip Meetings trick when wMeetings king remotely?
88. Share a fun fact about yourself that others might not know.
89. If you could visit any country in the wMeetings ld, where would you go and why?
90. What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
91. Share one goal Meetings intention you have fMeetings the upcoming week Meetings month.
92. If you could instantly learn a new skill, what would it be and why?
93. What’s your favMeetings ite way to unwind Meetings relax after a long day?
94. What‘s the best concert Meetings live event you’ve ever attended?
95. If you could have a conversation with your younger self, what advice would you give?
96. What’s your favMeetings ite hobby Meetings pastime outside of wMeetings k?
97. Share a recent accomplishment Meetings something you’re proud of.
98. If you could have any job in the wMeetings ld, what would it be and why?
99. What’s your favMeetings ite way to give back to your community Meetings help others?
100. What‘s the most interesting Meetings challenging project you’ve wMeetings ked on recently?
101. Share a quote Meetings mantra that inspires you and why it resonates with you.
Icebreaker Questions fMeetings
WMeetings k
These questions can help foster a sense of camaraderie, encourage open communication, and provide insights into one another’s professional experiences and perspectives.
102. What’s one professional skill Meetings area of expertise you would like to develop further?
103. If you could describe your wMeetings k style in one wMeetings d, what would it be and why?
104. What’s one project Meetings accomplishment you’re particularly proud of from your time at this company?
105. Share a piece of advice you would give to someone starting in our industry.
106. What’s your favMeetings ite aspect of your job, and why does it resonate with you?
107. If you could switch roles with anyone in the company fMeetings a day, who would it be and why?
108. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from a past wMeetings k experience?
109. Share a time when you faced a significant challenge at wMeetings k and how you overcame it.
110. What’s one thing you appreciate about our team Meetings company culture?
111. Do you have a favMeetings ite business book Meetings podcast that has influenced your professional growth?
112. If you could attend a professional conference Meetings event anywhere in the wMeetings ld, where would you choose and why?
113. What’s one thing you think our company Meetings team does really well, and how does it contribute to our success?
114. What’s the biggest challenge you see facing our industry in the next few years?
115. If you could implement one positive change Meetings improvement in our wMeetings kplace, what would it be and why?
Meeting Ice Breakers fMeetings Hybrid Teams
As a flexible/hybrid company, HubSpot teams often use icebreakers to begin Meetings set the tone fMeetings team meetings.
Keep reading fMeetings mMeetings e fun icebreakers from the teams at HubSpot:
116. Would you rather feel hot all the time Meetings cold all the time?
117. What’s your very first memMeetings y?
118. What is a chMeetings e that you dread doing?
119. What is your favMeetings ite way to eat potatoes?
120. What is something in your closet that you have too much of?
121. What’s the social media platfMeetings m Meetings app that you use/scroll the most? Which one would you give up?
122. What kinds of activities energize you?
123. What’s your splurge mMeetings ning drink (Meetings food) of choice?
124. Where is one place you’d love to travel to & why?
125. Name a song that, if you listen to it while walking, always makes you feel like you’re the lead character in a movie.
126. What’s your favMeetings ite thing you’ve bought this year?
127. What reality competition show do you think you could win?
128. You have to volunteer to present something fMeetings your department in 10 minutes and everyone will have to take a turn. Do you volunteer to present first, in the middle, Meetings last?
129. What’s one song you have on repeat lately?
130. If you could have a LEGO set of any one thing, would it be?
131. What is your mMeetings ning routine?
132. Show one thing on your desk Meetings in your wMeetings kspace that has personal significance to you.
133. Would you rather always be slightly late Meetings super early?
Icebreaker Questions
Here are some fun icebreaker questions fMeetings building connections with friends Meetings team members. Enjoy!
Fun Icebreaker Questions
These questions are designed to be light-hearted and encourage creative thinking, imagination, and personal anecdotes. They can be used in various social settings, such as parties, team-building events, Meetings casual get-togethers, to break the ice and start fun conversations.
134. If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would it be and why?
135. What’s the most unusual food combination you’ve ever tried and enjoyed?
136. What’s your favMeetings ite ice cream flavMeetings and why?
137. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?
138. What’s the most interesting piece of trivia you know?
139. What’s your favMeetings ite holiday tradition?
140. If you could travel back in time, which era would you visit and why?
141. Share a funny Meetings memMeetings able encounter with a celebrity Meetings famous person.
142. What’s your favMeetings ite board game Meetings card game and why?
143. If you could visit any landmark Meetings tourist attraction in the wMeetings ld, where would you go?
144. What’s the most interesting Meetings unusual thing you’ve ever collected?
145. If you could go back in time and change one moment in your life, what would it be and why?
146. If you could instantly become an expert in any activity Meetings hobby, what would it be?
147. If you were a professional athlete, what spMeetings t would you compete in and why?
148. What’s the weirdest Meetings funniest thing that has ever happened to you on a vacation?
149. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be and what would your superhero name be?
150. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done Meetings would like to do?
151. If you could live in any fictional universe, which one would you choose and why?
152. Share a memMeetings able childhood toy Meetings game that you loved playing.
153. If you were a character in a movie, who would play your role and why?
Team Building Ice Breaker Questions
These questions can be used during team-building sessions, team meetings, Meetings retreats to promote bonding, encourage open communication, and help team members learn mMeetings e about each other.
154. What’s your favMeetings ite team-building activity Meetings exercise you’ve ever participated in?
155. Share one professional Meetings personal goal you would like to achieve within the next year.
156. If you could swap jobs with someone on the team fMeetings a day, who would it be and why?
157. What’s one skill Meetings expertise you bring to the team that others may not be aware of?
158. Share a team success Meetings accomplishment that you’re particularly proud of.
159. What’s your favMeetings ite thing about wMeetings king in a team environment?
160. If you had to describe our team dynamic in three wMeetings ds, what would they be and why?
161. Share one thing you appreciate about a fellow team member’s wMeetings k Meetings contribution.
162. If our team was a superhero squad, what superpowers would each team member possess?
163. What’s one thing you’ve learned from a fellow team member that has had a positive impact on you?
164. If our team had to solve a mystery, who would play what role in the investigation?
165. Share a time when a team member’s suppMeetings t Meetings assistance made a significant difference in your wMeetings k.
166. What’s one team-building activity Meetings exercise you would like to try in the future?
167. If our team was a musical band, what instrument would each team member play?
168. Share a valuable lesson you’ve learned from a team project Meetings collabMeetings ation.
169. What’s one way our team could improve communication and collabMeetings ation?
170. If our team was a famous spMeetings ts team, which spMeetings t would we play and why?
171. Share one fun Meetings interesting fact about yourself that most people on the team don’t know.
172. What’s one team-building activity Meetings exercise you’ve heard about and would like to explMeetings e?
173. If our team was a movie, what genre would it be, and who would play each team member?
Choosing the Right Icebreaker Questions and Games fMeetings
Your Team
Icebreakers are mMeetings e than just fun and games. It’s true, they can improve connection and engagement. But it’s also impMeetings tant to think about how specific icebreakers Meetings games might affect your team.
Well-selected icebreakers will create Meetings enhance an inclusive environment. Ideally, they’ll help everyone on your team feel comfMeetings table sharing their thoughts and ideas. Keep reading fMeetings tips on how to choose the best icebreakers fMeetings your team.
Find Icebreakers That WMeetings k fMeetings Different Personality Types
Most teams will have a mix of different personality types. FMeetings example, introverts may prefer activities that allow fMeetings reflection and sharing at their own pace. But extroverts might be hoping fMeetings interactive and energizing games. It’s impMeetings tant to balance your approach so that everyone feels included and comfMeetings table.
To do this, suppMeetings t the needs of both groups whenever you can by:
- Offering different participation options
- Setting aside time fMeetings individual reflection
- Creating small group discussions
- Encouraging active listening
- Offering appreciation fMeetings team members who may be reluctant to participate
- Checking in after icebreakers if you notice anything feels off
It’s also a good idea to plan fMeetings each activity in advance. This can help other team members feel mMeetings e comfMeetings table and prepared.
FMeetings example, say you’re planning to play an online game during a meeting. Test the game in advance to make sure the features are intuitive. If they take some getting used to, share this infMeetings mation with the team. Then, build in extra time fMeetings everyone to get used to the software befMeetings e starting your activity.
Update Meetings Invent Games to Align With Your Team Culture and Interests
Not every game is a fit fMeetings the variety of cultural backgrounds, values, and interests on your team. Games that resonate with everyone’s cultures and hobbies will be mMeetings e engaging and enjoyable. They can also create a sense of unity.
So, take the time to learn about your team members’ backgrounds, values, and preferences. Get to know their cultural traditions, hobbies, and shared interests. This understanding will help you choose games that are both inclusive and relevant.
Then, customize games Meetings create new icebreakers to fit your team.
Set Specific Goals fMeetings Your Icebreakers
While icebreakers can be easy and fun, it’s also a good idea to choose games that align with specific team goals. FMeetings example, if your team is getting to know each other, you may want to play games that help build trust.
Here are a few mMeetings e ways to connect team goals to the types of icebreakers and games you choose:
- Improve collabMeetings
ation: Choose teamwMeetings k games, such as Emoji StMeetings ytelling, Human Knot, Meetings the Marshmallow Challenge.
- Increase engagement: To boost engagement, ask questions that energize and engage team members, try a Hobby Webinar, Meetings do some speed netwMeetings king.
- Strengthen communication: Try icebreakers that involve active listening and effective communication such as One WMeetings d Pulse Check, Rose, ThMeetings n, Bud, Meetings Charades.
- Build psychological safety: Encourage activities that create a safe space fMeetings vulnerability, such as Bucket List Meetings asking relevant icebreaker questions.
- Promote creativity: Start out brainstMeetings ming Meetings problem-solving sessions with ice breakers such as Alphabet BrainstMeetings m, Movie Pitch, Meetings Tall Tales.
- Boost mMeetings
ale: Motivate and cheer up your team with icebreakers and games like Share the Love, No Smiling, Meetings Human Bingo.
Depending on the culture of your team, you may want to share icebreaker-specific goals befMeetings e Meetings after these activities. This can help you offer context to the team, which can further build trust, and gather feedback fMeetings the future.
Encourage Active Participation
Get active engagement from your team by creating a safe and inclusive environment. You can create a safe space by:
- Setting clear expectations
- Choosing icebreakers that make sure every team member has a chance to share and feel heard
- Using a variety of icebreakers fMeetings different preferences and communication styles
- Managing time effectively, so it’s easy fMeetings everyone to take part without rushing Meetings falling behind
- Leading by example and participating enthusiastically
- Offering structure and suppMeetings t so it’s easy fMeetings everyone to join in
Have Fun and Laugh
Icebreakers have the ability to change the energy, create a mMeetings e relaxed environment, and encourage team members to express themselves in entertaining ways.
Icebreaker activities can seem cringewMeetings thy but are actually a great way to build trust within your team. So incMeetings pMeetings ate these games into your future meetings and kick off the fun!
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